Saturday 1 December 2018

Experiential marketing | Key Points | Elements

Experiential marketing

Experiential Marketing is a relatively new marketing method, present to the world via a book marketing Experiential Marketing:

How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act, and Relate to Your Company and Brands, by Bernd h. Schmitt.

The essence of the concept of experiential marketing is marketing and management are driven by experience.  Also argued about the approach to the features and benefits (F & B) in traditional marketing. In traditional marketing, marketers assume consumers are thinking through a process of decision making, in which each of the characteristics of a product, goods or services, will provide a clear advantage. These characteristics evaluate by potential buyers who had known products as well as of yet.

Presume that they are very limiting concept viewpoints marketers against decisions taken by the consumer. Involving elements of rationality and logic, as well as emotional and irrational aspects in purchasing.


Experiential marketing can be very useful for a company that wants to improve the brand. Which is at the stage of decline, differentiate their products from competitors, creating a product image and identity for a company. Improve innovation and persuade customers to try and buy the product.

The most important thing is to create customers who are loyal customers looking for companies and specific brands to become part of their lives.

Customers also want companies and brands that can relate to their lives, understand them, adapt to their needs and make their lives more fulfill. In the information age, technology changes and choices, every company needs. To be more in tune with its customers and experience give their product or service.

A key staple of experiential marketing:

The early stages of an experiential marketing focus on three key staple:

Customer experience.

Customer experience involving the five senses, the heart. The mind can put the purchase of a product or service among a greater context in the life.

Consumption patterns.

Analysis of consumption patterns can cause relationships to create greater synergy. Products and services are no longer evaluate separately. But can be evaluate as part of the overall usage patterns that correspond to the lives of consumers. The most important thing, the experience of purchase is measure through customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The rational and emotional Decisions.

Experiences in life are often use to fulfill fantasies, feelings and pleasures. Many decisions made by obeying the words heart and irrational. Experiential marketing customers feel happy with purchase decisions have been made.

Experiential Marketing Strategy Elements:

An alternative framework that consists of two elements, namely Strategic experience modules (SEMs). Which consists of some type of experience and Experience producers (ExPros). IE agents – agents that can delivering this experience. Strategic experience modules consisting of five types, namely, sense, feel, think, act, and relate to.


The sense is the intangible aspects and can be felt from a product. That can be capture by the five human senses, including sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. In this sense, for consumers. For differentiate a product from another product, to motivate buyers to act.  To establish the value in your product or service in the minds of buyers.

Human senses can be use during this phase of the experience (pre purchase, purchase and after purchase) in consuming a product or service. Companies usually apply the elements of sense by attracting the attention of customers through things that are striking, dynamic, and leave your impression the strong.
There are three purposes of the strategy of the five senses (sense strategic objective):

  1. Five senses of differentiating an organization can use the sense of marketing for differentiating product organizations with competing products in the market, motivating customers to buy their products, and distributing value to the consumer.

  2. The five senses as a motivator in applying the elements of sense can motivate customers. To try the product and buy it.

The five senses as a provider of the value of the five senses can also provide a unique value to the consumer.


The feeling of being in touch with feelings and emotions in the most customers. The ads are feel good is usually use to create relationships with customers, linking their emotional experience with a product or service, and challenging customers. To react to messages Feel the campaign is often use to build customer emotions slowly.

When customers feel good against the company's product offerings, customers will love the product and the company. Conversely, when customers feel uncomfortable against the company's product offerings. Then consumers will leave these products and switch to other products. If a marketing strategy can create a good feeling on a consistent basis to customers, then the company can create a brand loyalty is strong and last long.

Effective experience

Effective experience is the experience level is varied feelings in intensity, ranging from feeling positive or negative mood representations to strong emotions. If marketers intend to use effective experience as part of a marketing strategy, then there are two things that must be consider and understood, namely:

  1. Moods (moods), the effective Mood is not specific. The mood can be resurrect by giving specific. A mood is the effective state of the positive or negative. The mood often has a strong impact against what the consumer in mind and what brand they choose.

  2. Emotion (emotion), more powerful than the mood and is a statement of the specific effective stimulus, such as anger, irrigate, and love. The emotions-emotions are always cause by something or someone (person, event, company, product, or communication).


The company seeks to challenge consumers, by way of providing problem-solving experiences, and encourage customers to interact in cognitive and/or creatively with the company or product. The ads are usually more traditional thoughts, use as much textual information, and provide questions that do not answer according to Schmitt the good way to make the think campaign successfully is to:

  1. (1) create the surprise was present both in the form of visual, verbal or conceptual,

  2. (2) attempting to lure customers and

  3. (3) give a little provocation.

Surprise (surprise)

Surprise is an important thing in building customers so that they engage in a creative way of thinking. The shock generate when marketers start of a hope. The shock must be positive, which means customers get more than they ask for, more fun than they expect, or something completely other than they expect that ultimately can make customers feel good. In experiential marketing, elements of surprise occupy a very important thing because with shocking experiences can give the impression of emotional depth and are expect to continue to imprint in the minds of consumers in a long time.

Captivated (intrigue)

If the surprise departure of the a's hope, the intrigue campaign tried to arouse the curiosity of customers, what lure customers. However, this depends on the allure of reference possessed by every customer. Sometimes what can Captivate a person can become something boring for someone else, depending on the level of knowledge, joy, and experience the customers.

The Provocation (provocation)

Provocation can lead a discussion, or create a debate. Provocation can be risky if not done in a good and aggressive.


The action that is associate with the overall individual (mind and body) to improve life and his lifestyle. Messages that motivate, inspire and spontaneous may cause customers to do things in a different way, try the new way change their lives better.


The Relate individual customers connect with society, or culture. Relate become an attraction in the most desire for customers to formation of self-improvement, socio-economic status, and image. A Relate the campaign shows a group of people that are the target customers where a customer can interact, connect, and share the same pleasure.
The fifth type of experience is deliver to consumers through the experience provider. Agents can deliver this experience are:

  1. Communications, including advertising, corporate communications both internal and external, and
    public relation.

  2. Identity and sign both visual as well as verbal, include your name, logo, colors, and more.

  3. Display of products, good design, packaging, sighting.

  4. Co-branding, including marketing events, sponsorship, working partners and alliances, licensing, product placement in movies, and so on.

  5. Spatial Environment, including the design of the Office, both interior as well as exterior, sales outlets, exhibition sales, and others.

  6. People, including the company's representations, salesperson, customer service, call center operators, and more.

Ideally, a company would like to implement experiential marketing is capable of giving an integral experience, namely the fifth element conveys the experience through the experience Provider. This is call as holistic. In developing an approach to experiential marketing, connects it with the theory of Maslow's hierarchy.

10 Rules to Create and Manage Experiential Brands.

  1. Experiences don’t just happen; they need to be plan. In the planning process, a marketer must be creative, utilizing surprise, intrigue, and even provocation.

  2. Think about the customer experience first. After that, it was only a marketer could determine characteristics-functional characteristics of a product and the benefits of an existing brand

  3. Be obsessive about the details of the experience. The concept of the gratification of needs of consumers traditionally pass the knowledge elements, warm feeling that consumers perceive. As well as ' brainwashing ' customers, which include the gratification of the whole body and all of the consumer's mind.

  4. Find the "duck" for your brand. Meaning, a marketer is expect to give a character that gives a deep impression. Which will constantly evoke memories so that consumers become loyal. This character is a small element that is very impressive, framing, and summarizes the overall experience felt consumers.

  5. Strive for "holistic experiences" Holistic, as has been mention above, is an incredible feeling, touching the heart, challenge the intelligentsia, are relevant to the consumer lifestyle, and provides a deep connection between consumers.

  6. Profile and track experiential impact with the Experiential Grids.

  7. Use methodologies eclectically. Method in marketing can be quantitative or qualitative shape, verbal or visual, and inside and outside the laboratory. Marketers in researching must be exploratory and creative. As well as about the reliability, validity, and the sophistication of its methodology.

  8. Consider how the experience changes. Marketers especially need to be thinking about this when
    the company decide to expand the brand into a new category.

  9. Add dynamism to your company and brand. Most organizations and corporate brand owners are too afraid, too slow, and too bureaucratic. For that reason, needs to be apply.

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