Friday 7 December 2018

7 Waste in Lean Manufacturing

The 7 Waste in Lean Manufacturing – Waste or often called by Young in the language of Japan is an activity that absorbs or squander resources like expenses or additional time but did not add any value in the event. Eliminate Waste (Muda) is the basic principle in Lean Manufacturing. The concept of Removing Waste (Muda) this should be taught to every Member of the Organization so that effectiveness and efficiency can be improved.

There are 2 types of waste (Muda) fundamental that should be considered in conducting an analysis of removal of Waste (Muda) including the following types of the world (obviously) and the type of Hidden (hidden).


7 Waste in Lean Manufacturing

There are 7 different categories of Waste that often occurs in Industrial Manufacturing, including:

  1. The waste of Overproduction (production overload)

    Waste or waste that occurs due to excess production of Finish Goods. That are good (finished goods) and WIP (Semi-finished Goods). But there is no order/message from the Customer. Some of the reasons of Overproduction (overproduction) among others a long Machine Setup time, low Quality, or thinking "Just in case" there that needs it.

  1. A waste of Inventory (Inventory)

    The waste or waste that occurs because Inventory is the accumulation of Finished Goods. WIP (Semi-finished Goods) and redundant raw materials at all stages of production so as to require a storage area, a large capital, people who watching him work and documentation (Paperwork).

  1. Waste of Defects (Defects/damage)

    Waste or Waste that occurs due to poor quality or the existence of a known crack (defects) so that needed improvements. This will cause additional costs in the form of labor cost, components used in the repair and other costs.

  1. A waste of Transportation (Transfer/transport)

    Waste or Waste that occurs because the layout (layout) a bad production, organization workplace is not good so requires the transfer of activities from one place to another. Example layout of a Warehouse far from production.

  1. Waste of Motion (movement)

    Waste or Waste that occurs because the movement of workers or machines. That are unnecessary and do not add value to the products. For example, the placement of components that are far from the reach of the operator, so it takes a movement stepped up from his working position to take that component.

  1. Waste of Waiting (Waiting)

    When a person or a machine is not doing the job, the status is called wait. Waiting could be due to unbalance process. So there are workers or machines that need to be to wait to do his job. The existence of a known crack machines, supply components that are late. The loss of work tools or wait decision or information certain.

  1. Waste of Over processing (excessive Process)

    Not every process can give add value to products manufacture or customer. Processes that do not add value this is waste or excessive process. For example: the inspection process repeatedly. The approval process should pass a lot of people, the cleaning process. All the customers want a quality product, but the most important is not the Inspection process repeatedly as need. But how to guarantee the quality of the product at the time of manufacture. All we have to do is find the Root Cause (root cause) of a problem. Bring the action (countermeasure) that corresponds to the root cause.

The types of Waste that is (obviously) the world is something that is easy to learn. It can be remove immediately with little cost or no cost at all. For example, while the types of Waste that may hide is the waste. That can only be remove by the latest methods of work, help with Technology or new policy.

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