Friday 30 November 2018

What is different between leader and manager?

Manager, team leader, usually we use these terms interchangeably. Not always appropriate, simply because every other means. Each leader is the Manager and each manager a leader? I'm taking you today in the managerial-leadership world to sort out what to order.

Let's start with the basic distinction between Manager and leader, because as even intuitively feel what a involve being a Manager, with the leader start the proverbial stairs. Well, being the Manager assumes the adoption of a specific position, and being the leader of the adoption of the attitudes (and not only on the boss position).


Manager usually has to mobilize a team to action, and the leader is the person who comes on to action, to follow him; the leader of the kindles a fire in others to want to give of themselves more than what is expected of them. Further, an effective manager sets ambitious goals and so leads a team to achieve them. Gathers strength team and maximizes its potential to make it as planned, was completed. And in this situation, does the manager, which is for a team leader?

The leader of the first answers the question "why" rather than "what" we do. Shall appoint rather direction, and not a very specific goal and only then will determine a plan of action. His plan may even extend beyond the real possibilities of what they can achieve individual staff, because he knows what is able to achieve the strength of the team in which we focus on the fact that employees used their strengths, and not worked on natural restricted (in the diagnosis of potential helps you test the D3). And when in the designated direction team shall consist of up and coming fatigue, decrease in strength, can discourage, a leader inspires to this, where to find support, what do I do to regenerate the forces and go on.


My "a textbook case" an example of a leader is Richard Branson, the British entrepreneur, who under their wings is now ok. 400 companies. Or manages them all from the Manager? Do not. Whether the spins a vision inspires others to follow him and go with him in the designated direction? So.

Born in 1950, Richard Branson, he founded his first company, 16 years old, and a few years later, Virgin Records. But that was just the beginning. In climbing higher and higher, helps him focus on what in it strong, not their limitations (and one of them is dyslexia). Looking at what he does, listening to what is, it's easy to feel that doing in life what you really believe. Sets the direction of the action and curiously waiting for the next opportunity can see from the Summit, which is in front of him.

Sets the direction, not the ultimate goal. Aims and the team seemingly unreachable challenges and then lights up to soar higher than what so far has been elusive. And doing it all in full respect for the man, looking at the talent we humbly others bring to the Organization, believing that his leadership mission is to take care of the largest resource-team. Because when he does, the team with the same care will take care of the customers.

With hard financial results it's hard to argue, therefore it's hard to deny the effectiveness of Branson's strategy. His name is now in the music industry, railroads, aviation, healthcare and aerospace. If Branson knew how to manage all these companies? Do not. Whether he knew how to "ignite the fire" in Manager games and the most important operating persons? So.


Without two sentences need effective managers, but do not forget the attitude of leadership. We can train you with the competence of the Manager, to enhance effectiveness in the posting, management of results, etc., but it's the attitude of the leadership (which may take the manager and I have a book "Everest leader") generates the largest value for the organization.

With an effective leader worker naturally want to become still better, working for a common goal. Yes, it requires humility, knowing yourself and your employees. So, management strategy, which lights up others to act, that allows you to feel the employees. That they are important and what they do is important.

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