Saturday 10 November 2018

Problem Solving Steps

Problem solving steps is a quick guide to a problem solving process. Use it to find the right problems, then treat them as opportunities to be realized. The Problem Solving process consists of a sequence of sections that fit together depending on the type of problems.

Problem solving steps

7 Steps of problem Solving

Step -1 : Defining the problem :

Express the undesired result in concrete terms or words so that any person with least knowledge can understand the features of the problem.

Step -2 : Observation
It is an investigation from different point of views to discover factors contributing to variation in the result.

Step -3 : Analysis
It is a activity to establish the root cause of variation in result, based on clue from observation or verified hypotheses.

Step -4 : Action
It is a step to implement counter measure for established root cause of variation

Step -5: Verification or Check
It is step or activity to check effectiveness of action taken

Step -6 : Horizontal Deployment
It is a step or activity to identify product & processes where same problem can be occur or possible to implement same action .

Step -7 : Conclusion & Standardization
It is a step or activity to make or update standards to ensure that same reason of problem will not repeat in existing or coming products & services .

The seven step problem solving process is a powerful mechanism to solve problems once and for all. In the end, an improvement is never an improvement until every step, including follow up, is implement, then look for new ways to improve. Continuous improvement is just that – continuous.


Problems are expect in the course of business. A successful organization is not determine by the absence of problems. Rather, success was measure by the problems that emerge.

The seven-step "root cause" problem solving process is logical, communication method for solving any type of problem. It provides a road map to help everyone solve problems during the improvement journey. It suggests what materials and information are needed to resolve an emergent issue. And it provides a record of the decision making process. If the solution we select does not bring the desired results, we can review our steps and assumptions and make subsequent adjustments.

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