Friday 30 November 2018

Implementing Operational Excellence in the Manufacturing

Operational Excellence

When we talk about manufacturing, we need to consider that technology is very important in this industry. In many cases, technology takes over the usual jobs of human labor. This trend makes quality management more important, because we eliminate the human ability to control that quality.

Overview to Operational Excellence

It's no longer the time to create a "Quality Control" department as the end of the manufacturing line, where it is only in that part that the worker's team checks for production defects or deficiencies. Since automation, we need to apply "quality control" in every step of the manufacturing process, so that if a problem is found in production, we are not overwhelmed with it. Indeed this means you sacrifice a little time or speed, but organizations that sacrifice quality for speed will certainly be more dangerous.

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence is part of the mindset, not the methodology. It is an endless quest to find ways to improve performance and profitability. Finding money and improving performance in areas not normally seen by companies.

The future of manufacturing excellence is not just words like productivity, efficiency, and standardization. But more will be concepts like growth, innovation, and adjustment. Because as we can see today, the world is changing rapidly than ever, and the manufacturing industry needs to keep up.

In manufacturing companies, there are several characteristics to achieve success:

  1. Seamless integration between various supply chain elements . Products can be tracked along the way from the raw material stage until it is in the hands of consumers

  2. Sales, marketing, and research and development are closely related to the manufacturing process. This ensures alignment between what is being developed, what is produced, and what is sold to customers.

  3. Good management during innovation process and product launch. Products are launched on time, involving all the appropriate departments within the organization, and there is always a good way to manage new ideas and apply them to make a big impact.

  4. Collaborate with customers and suppliers to improve results. This means that business partners share a strategic and mutually helpful direction for achieving them. It also includes data sharing and demand forecasts to optimize the manufacturing process.

  5. Process that focus on speed optimization. Not always fast is good. Good leaders know when to speed up and when to slow down to get the best results, and they have certain indicators that help them do that intuitively.

Ultimately, it is important in manufacturing companies to ensure operations can withstand sales. Do not let the organization focus too much on how to increase sales, attract new customers, and enter new markets, but be burdened with trying to meet all those targets so that things do not work out optimally.

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