Wednesday 11 July 2018

Marketing Mix <> Definition | Marketing Mix 4ps | Elements

Marketing Mix

A Marketing Mix is a group of marketing variables that the firm combines and controls, to produce the desired response in the target market.

As a result of the business world there are increasingly dynamic activities which turn out to be the pattern for patterns of consumption the community. Companies that perceive are only to the people who are solely a place for products produced by the company. Thus the company continually achieves the goal of maximizing sales.
Utilizing the most number of existing application such as tension concept and wisdom marketing mix or marketing mix, namely comprised of policy in the field of price, promotion, distribution and products.

Those policies, better known as the fourth's namely P's (Price, Place, Promotion, Product).

The marketing mix is a miscellany of Bel-controlled marketing variables that the combined company to generate the response it wants in the target market".

If the company has decided on a strategy of determining its position in the market, then it is that the company was ready to begin a planning detailed adopting the marketing mix. Thus the concept of the marketing mix is a major concept in the implementation of modern marketing today.

Marketing mix comprises all actions that resulted in the company are doing a discretion which is affecting an increase in demand for its products in the market. The activities carried out in order to affect demand for the company's products performance but, basically covers the internal factors that can be controlled company so that in practice it is possible to run integrated.

In the marketing mix there are four factors that its implementation can be controlled companies, namely:

The product

The first combination of the marketing mix are product, this is because the main object of marketing is the product. There are products in the form of goods and services.

In determining the decision about the product, there are several things to note include:

  • Quality. I.e. concerning a goods/services produced by manufacturers to offer to the consumer.
  • Features, that concerns about the appearance of the resulting products include factors of quantity and hygiene of the product in order to cause the appeal of consumption.
    Options, namely regarding the willingness of the company to produce a variety of products (productiveness) 
  • Style. Namely regarding the capital of the product in question. By him that companies must continually invent a model that consumer tastes are changing every moment.
  • Brand name. i.e. concerns about granting them on products produced by the company. The granting of such brands as far as possible give the impression to the consumer.
  • Packaging. i.e. concerns about how to give the wrapper or packaging on a product taking into account the elements of cost, durability and others that his main target in order to bubble the rat is still attractive.
  • Product line. namely the concerns of a number of types of products produced by the company having regard to the factors of quality, hygiene, size and others.
  • Warranty. That concerns the company will guarantee the product is produced. Thus consumers feel safe from unwanted possibilities within a reasonable time limit on usage.
  • Service level. Regarding services for the company in the face of consumers e.g. transport facilities that can support and facilitate hitter products into the hands of consumers. 
Other service, namely concerning the service outside of the service level for example after sales service or by the provision of spare parts is ensured, as well as the readiness of the damaged goods/good exchange rate when necessary.


The combination of both of the marketing mix is determining the appropriate price level of discretion for the company. Pricing of a product containing a very large risk. By him it on some benchmark in determining policy naan on pricing that includes:
  • List Price, namely the provision of a list of prices of goods produced by the company which purpose is to make the combination between companies and consumers can be greater.
  • Discount, namely for granting discounts to subscriptions to pay attention to the number and frequency of purchases.
  • Allowance, namely, the granting of special prices on certain products produced by the company with the intention to lure consumers.
  • Credit Payment Terms, i.e. in the determination of time of payment/credit terms other controllable by the company and may give rise to for buyers (consumers).


Determination of place correctly will further facilitate planned marketing programs effectively and efficient. Place in the market include the following activities:
  • Channel Distribution, i.e., determining the distribution channels, especially in the physical sense that includes target deviations/maintenance and the number of merchants role tare contained within the channel. Having regard to the second case, the distribution of goods to consumers can better and appropriately.
  • Coverage, i.e. concerns about giving information in a quick and precise from the company to the consumer and vice versa. It is intended to quickly can obtain information on all change happening especially in a corporate environment.
  • Outlet location, namely concerning the placement of a location that is central to the goods to be allocated to the various regions of sale (consumers).
  • Sales theory, namely concerning the range of products produced by the company having regard to the particular pattern of consumers e.g. income and others.
  • Inventory levels, that is about the amount of supplies that must exist within the company on intermediary traders who aim to keep the incidence of vacuum products in the area of marketing. Void products can cause the problem products from other companies or the loss of consumer confidence in the company.
  • Transportation, namely concerning the smooth running of the company's operations are primarily the company's ability to cover the nearest distance to the consumer area.


Each of the company's activities related to the delivery of news about products to consumers that can be seen in the form of:

A. Advertising, i.e. individual communication activities using a number of costs through various media conducted by companies, non individuals as well as institutions.

One of the key considerations in the implementation of the advertising program is the cost factor. Different case with publicity broadcast activities without requiring a lot of cost.

Advertising carried out by the seller and buyer parties that motivated offer up something, service and product orally and in writing.
There are a few considerations in determining advertising wisdom among others as follows:
  • The advertising is a way of delivering economic value on a product offerings.
  • Advertising which is a persuasive tool so producers can hold its advertising to persuade people to be interested to try or buy the product being advertised.
  • An Advertising is a tool for creating an image (impression).
  • Advertising is a tool to satisfy the desires of buyers and sellers.
B. Personal selling targets of marketing activities is to increase the volume of sales so it can produce maximum profits and ultimately create consumer satisfaction that is a long-term goal.

Personal selling is one method of promotion to achieve those goals. This method requires more salespeople (salesman). Personal selling is intensifying between individuals who meet a goal to create, improve, or maintain a controlled relationship mutually beneficial exchanges with other parties.

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